Locating the owner of a home is not difficult once you learn the necessary steps to take to learn this information. There are several reasons why you may need to find out who owns a home or a particular piece of property. Whether you’re interested in renting or purchasing the home or have another agenda, read below to learn how to locate the owner of the house by looking through property ownership records.

Ask Around

If you’re visiting a property in person and want to find out who owns a property, perhaps the neighbors can help with that information. Most people are willing to help out their fellow man if they can, especially with such a simple request if you’ll politely inform them of the reason that you want the information. Although this may not always yield results, it is worth a shot.

Property Records Search

Is the owner of a home public record? You bet it is and this means that you can easily learn the information that you want. A trip to the county courthouse to search for a property deed is another easy way to learn who owns a home. This information is sometimes available online but is always available in person.

County Tax Assessor

The property assessor has information concerning property owners throughout a specific city or state. In most major cities you can find out if someone owns a property through an online search via the court’s official website, though in some rural areas a visit to the courthouse is likely necessary. You can find property owner by address through a large online database if you know the physical street address.

Online Database

The easiest way to find out who owns a home is via an online database. This is the easiest way to find the property owner since records are up-to-date after the home is sold or other transactions and owners take place. There may be a small fee to find the owner of a house using an online database, but since it is so easy to use, it is well worth the small expense when you want to know who owns a house.

The Bottom Line

The above methods of finding a property owner are the best ways to get the information that you need. Each has pros and cons, but when the day is done, generally produce the same results, and that is the details of who owns a home that has caught your interest for one reason or another. Use this information to your advantage and make your life simple.