You’re here because you want to find a court record in Oklahoma. No problem! I’ve got you covered. You can do a court case search in the state of Oklahoma sometimes for free but other times it will cost you a small fee.
What you can find when you access Court Records in Oklahoma:
- Civil records
- Felony records
- Misdemeanors
- Traffic Court Cases
- Criminal records
- Bankruptcies/Liens/Judgments
- Family Courts
Below is a list of where you can do a public court record search in Oklahoma.
Search by court, party type, type of case, full case number and the date the case was filed.
Search cases, dockets, and filings.
The Oklahoma State Court Network allows you to search court cases and records by Court or by County. You can also search by party involved, case type, date range of the case and by traffic citation (District Court Only)
The Oklahoma City Municipal Court provides court information, case processing, judicial and accountability services.
National Archives – US District Court in Oklahoma
Admiralty, civil, law, equity, criminal, naturalization, Federal Courts in the Indian territory
Links to various court record searches across Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Workers Compensation Court of Existing Claims
The Records Department maintains claim files, receives and processes documents, processes the mail, responds to requests for claims records, helps process filing fees, and manages the copy billing process.
United States Bankruptcy Court – Northern District of Oklahoma
Court calendars, rules and orders, forms, and opinions. Many resources available.
The Court Clerk records, files, and maintains permanent records of the proceedings of the District court. All court proceedings are public information except those related to juvenile, guardianship, adoption, and mental health cases.
Various resources provided by the Clerks Office.
Various resources provided such as court record links and research guides.