How can you look up court cases, police reports and past criminal activity in St. Louis County, Missouri? You may have a specific reason in mind to view this important information. Maybe you need to know the results of a specific court matter. Maybe you want to view sex offenders in your area.

You could also want to check for a DUI or other criminal records online. A son or daughter may not have returned home in the morning. Is it possible they are in jail and too embarrassed to call? Maybe they moved to St. Louis County to go to school.

Maybe it’s a new person you are dating. Maybe it’s a brand new neighbor who seems a little bit off. You have every reason to check past criminal history records if you are worried.

It’s important to have this information available at your fingertips. You can look most of the information up in St. Louis County by visiting several websites. You can find out if someone has a warrant. You can find out if someone has been arrested. What was the verdict in the trial? Was it a felony? Maybe it was a misdemeanor. You can look up court records, look at mugshots and even do a jail inmate search.

It’s quite possible you need information regarding your own court cases or past convictions. What year was it? What was the actual date? What was the number associated with the court case?

You might have suspicions about a new neighbor. Maybe you have a date with a person you’ve just met. Maybe a new person moved into your neighborhood. Maybe you are moving into the area for the first time.

You might need to find out if someone is a registered sex offender. That list is found here on the Missouri State Police website. This helpful tool can show you a map of where violators may live.

You can find court records here. You can inquire about the court docket. You can check judgments.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol also offers an opportunity to look at various arrest reports here.

The St. Louis Regional Crimestoppers page includes the most wanted criminals in the area. You might want to view this page to make sure you know faces when you see them. You can also provide tips to local law enforcement for rewards.

The Missouri Department of Corrections has an online portal where you can search for active offenders. This includes probationers and parolees.

You may ask, “do I have a warrant?” You can search for warrants on the City of St. Louis Circuit page. Case search is under the Case Information tab.

These online resources can be powerful when trying to find important information surrounding someone you know. Perhaps it’s someone you don’t completely trust or have growing suspicions about. Some of this information could help you pinpoint a past criminal history. The good news is you can do it all from the comfort of your home.